Sunday, March 31, 2013

French II and IV Cavalry Corps

Today marks the completion of another major part of the French army. I have completed two of the main Cavalry Corps that I have planned for the French army. These are the II and IV Cavalry Corps as the title of this post gives away. Both Corps have a structure of two divisions and two horse artillery batteries, making for a total of 16 regiments and 4 horse artillery batteries. The II Corps is comprised entirely of Dragoon regiments while the IV is comprised of Curisasser regiments. These two Corps comprise most of the Medium and Heavy Cavalry that I have planned with only the III Cavalry Corps containing the second largest heavy cavalry formation. There will also be small smatterings of medium Calvary around the army but not as large as the II Cav Corps. Though these other cavalry formation will not get any work done on them for a while. There will be some work on the I Cavalry Corps, but it is a mixed medium and light Corps. I have some other Allied and maybe another French Corps that may contain more heavies, but for right now this is it.

French II Corps

French IV Corps

Work still continues as I write this. Currently I am working on clearing out the last of the prepared French Cavalry and Artillery so that I can launch myself into  Russian army additions. I am also anticipating the new Baccus 6mm French Napoleonic sculpts that are on the way. I am really interested to see what they all look like and I fervently hope that the holes in the product line are filled.

In other news I am beginning to work on revamping my terrain as my cheap method kinda.... well.... looks cheap. That means that I have finally found some ideas for trees, roads, rivers, difficult terrain, fences,  and crop fields that are easy to do and look rather good. So hopfully by the time I show another battlefield layout the miniatures will have a suitable field to fight on. I still need to figure out hills though and I have decided that bridges and buildings will just have to be bought and painted.

And finally I have reached the conclusion to permanently stall any major 28mm projects as well as my 6mm Warhammer 40K project. Both on the account that the returns for trying to work on such projects are too little with how much time I have available and the cost is not currently worth the results from my efforts. Therefore 6mm Napoleonics and painting individual 28 -54mm figures as well as some plans for a 6mm American Civil War project(Baccus miniatures of course) that will start with a focus on Gettysburg and should go all the way to an  army range that covers the start of the war to Appomattox. This is still in the planning stage and no miniatures will be bought for a while but that is the current plan. All I have down is a basing system and an order for more bases and basing materials. Flags will be next then a kick start into the range will be the final go ahead for that project.