Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Under 28mm Eagles Update pt1

Here are a few quick shots of what the updated 28mm Napoleonics will look like when I am finished. I had to finish this lot before I could continue with the Imperial Romans as they were taking up space on my desk.
First some old photos for comparison.

This base has been redone.
This base has been redone.
I have only updated two of the large bases so far I still have one large base and two smaller bases to update for this command set.

Now for the improved and updated miniatures.

Sorry for the blur. I did not see it until now.

So what has been changed? I have reconfigured how I flock my bases, I have added highlights to the figures and then added a wash to give some tone and shadowing, I have updated the miniatures skin color, and I have added eyebrows to my figures. Yes I left those off. It really makes a difference when you add eyebrows to your figures.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Legionnaires Disease

No I am not sick. Though my desk is currently covered in Imperial Roman Legionaries. I got back from spring break a while ago and while I was at my parents house I remembered to grab my Imperial Roman Legionaries that I had left there. Subsequently I have been working these last few days to repair the painted figures and then begin to update their paint job, much in the same manner that I am working on my 28mm Napoleonics. I also went through and took stock of the number of figures I have and what all I could do with them. The following pictures are a few flights of fancy on that subject.

On a side note. I have a little bit of a funny story to go along with the title of this post. About a year ago I got an email from some group asking if they could use one of my old photos in a paper on Legionnaires Disease. I never answered because they wanted a photo quality that I could not obtain. Still it is rather funny.

As you can see I have a lot of prepaired figures and some that where painted to a rather bad standard(by my current standards anyway). The repair work is mainly focused on the water slide transfers as some of them have started to come off the shields as I did a pretty bad job at the time. Also there are a few figure that I may never use, as the poses that I set up are just awful. Oh to be a young and dumb miniature enthusiest.

Parting thoughts and shots. I have not done one of these in a while.
First up are some pictures of the two books that I use the most for painting Napoleonics. I was reading another persons blogs and happened to notice that he had recently been to a literary museum in France and they had a tone of figure plates on collection by this one French couple. I saw one of the plates and went "Hey now, I own a book of that stuff".

They are not worth more than about $25, so don't bother trying to hunt up where I live just to steal them. They are however, an excellent source for trying to figure out what colors to use for your figures.

The last thing I have on my mind is this idea of redoing paint jobs for my figures. I am dead set on doing this for my 28mm Napoleonics and Romans. The full realization that I was stifling my painting skill because I wanted a uniform look is quite startling. And as such I have been looking at my 6mm collection wondering if I should redo those figures as well. No firm plans as of yet besides a definite desire to redo all of the bases for my 6mm figures. In fact I plan on staying away from my 6mm stuff until I get one of these two current redo project over with.