Sunday, November 13, 2011

British Army

The British Army

The British Army is the second of the two 28mm Napoleonic armies I have been building for the last couple of years. I plan on making a kind of dual purpose Peninsular and Waterloo campaign army. Most of what you will see in this post has to do with the Waterloo army though I do have some unassembled British Peninsular Victrix Infantry. As a side note I do not have any Cavalry for the British Army as of yet. When Perry Miniatures finally releases their plastic British Cav then this fact may change.

British Command

So far British command is off to a good start. I have a Corp Commander, Division commander and 3 Brigade commanders already done. I really would like to do an army command but seeing as I do not have all the figures I want for the command stands, this will have to wait. The other thing I need to do is finish my print out with all the names for the brigade to army command so I can fill in all those blank placards you see on the bases (Ps. I also intend to do this for artillery, that is why you may have seen blank ones on the French artillery and will see blank placards on the British artillery).

Corp Commander General Hill. Picton is just along for the ride. He will get his own stand later

Division Commander Wellesley for my Peninsular army.

And my 3 brigade commanders whose names escape me at the moment.

British Artillery

Now  for the one military arm that my British army has over the French, the artillery. The completed artillery park now holds 3 9lb guns and a single 6lb gun. The good for the British is that Victrix made an AWESOME plastic British Artillery box and I (during a cash flow increase) invested in four of those said boxes. With the addition of 2 Perry guns the British will be able to field a total of 14 guns when I am done with what I have in my possession currently. Now for some Horse Artillery.

That is an experimental battery commander base in the back ground.

A Perry 9lb and 6lb guns and crew
2 Victrix 9lb guns and crew

As far as how the artillery is going to be split up into formations I was thinking that maybe two guns would represent a battery? Not sure yet. However 1 seems to small, 4 seems to large and 3 is an odd number. Still thinking on this one though.

British Infantry

Plodding along right behind the French Infantry is my British Infantry formations. Currently I have a total of 4 completed Battalions. 1 Line, 2 Light and a Light Battalion of Highlanders. Ready to paint is another Line Battalion and an additional Light Battalion of Highlanders. Still in boxes are 4 Battalions of Peninsular Infantry( 2 Light and 2 Line) and 2 Line Battalions of Highlanders.

All four Battalions ready to fight
A Battalion from the 42nd Highland Regiment
4th Kings Own
69th South Lincolnshire
33rd 1st Yorkshire West Riding

Where I want to go

Currently I really would like to be able to do the following. I would love to get hold of those Perry Plastic Hussars. A few regiments would be a nice addition to the French Cav arm. I would also love to be able to get more artillery for the French as well. For the British I want to get a little more Infantry, maybe do some KGL? I would probably use Perry's plastic British Infantry for those with some Victrix flags. I would also love to start the British Cav arm, but this one will have to wait until plastics become available. Oh and I would like to get another Perry 9lb and 6lb guns so as to make the batteries look more consistent. The really big temptation right now is to start Russian (via Warlord Games and Victrix), Austrian (via Victrix) and Prussian (via HaT, Warlord Games and Perry) armies. All of the mentioned miniature companies have AWESOME looking lines out or in the works for those countries. However like I said earlier, monetary availability does not comply with my paining desires.

Note: To all who view this blog the picture at the top of the blog is out of date as I recently realized that I had painted the epaulets on my Guard Commanders wrong. This has been fixed.

Up next? Under the 6mm Eagles intro and French Army.

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