Saturday, April 21, 2012

Four new Regiments

Since my last post I have been able to complete 4 new Regiments. 2 of them are cavalry and 2 of them are infantry. These four regiments complete the Middle Guard 1st Division and the Light Cavalry 1st Division of the Imperial Guard.

First up is the 1st and 2nd Regiments of Middle Guard Chassuers. This is as far as I can go in terms of infantry at this point. I have another 2 regiments of Grenadiers that I can make, the only problem is that they are not prepared. The other thing I need to figure out is how I want to make the Young Guard. I have some ideas but no firm solution at this point.
Second on the list of completed regiments is the 1st and 2nd Chassuers a Cheval of the Guard. These are the last two Light Cavalry regiments that I can make for the Guard at the moment. I have plans to add two other Guard Lancer regiments that I read about recently and a regiment of Mamelukes( if I can ever find a good figure for them) to form a 2nd Light Cavalry Division. But that will have to come later.

1st Reg of Guard Chasseurs a Cheval
2ndt Reg of Guard Chasseurs a Cheval
The completed 1st Light Cav Division

With the completing of these two regiments I have officially completed stage "1" of my current plans. This does not mean that I am done with the Guard as there is still a lot to do. What I can do as soon as I have a chance to prepare more regiments is 2 regiments of Dragoons, 2 more Grenadier regiments, and more Guard Artillery.

Here is a look at what has been done so far.

The Imperial Guard as it stands now is 4 regiments of infantry, 6 regiments of cavalry, and 2 horse artillery batteries. Plus commanders for the entire force.

As of right now I have turned all my attention (sort of) onto the development of the II Corps for the French army. I have started work on the commanders as that is where I normally get bogged down at.
At the moment I can paint 6 regiments of infantry and all the cavalry for the II Corps. That is a total of ten regiments. The only problem is that will I more than likely finish painting these troops before I have a chance to go home and prepare more figures for painting. Thus leaving me with no 6mm figures to paint.

In other news I have finally started painting my Corax figure. Not sure when he will be done. Black is a weird color to work with.

Another piece of news. I have added an OOB at the bottom of my blog page. It is not very in depth( only down to Division level) but it will allow anyone watching what I am doing to see what I have done, what I am working on, and what is to come. As a note I do not have all the figures to complete what is listed there.

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