Sunday, July 8, 2012

Christening the new place

It has been a while since I goofed off on the floor with my 6mm Napoleonics. And with good reason. I had to move out of the old place and help my roommates move all of their stuff in as well( moving the accumulated stuff of three people in one day is a pain in the neck by the way). Then I had to unpack and there was this funny thing about a new job, which is a good thing, which ate up a lot of time. Needless to say painting has continued and a shelved project has been recently unshelved and some work has been done it( I'll show you later). But now that I am all settled it is time to unveil the current state of my most advanced project.

The theme of this latest escapade is a combined Russian/Austrian rear guard action against the forward elements of the pursuing French Army. Which seems to be the reoccurring theme considering the limitations on my available allied forces. That will change eventually. I just need to stay on schedule or else bad things will happen..... like starting a new project.

On a side note doing this on hard floors really sucks.

I Corps on the march to battle.
A look down the field.
French rear.
The left wing of the I Corps crosses a river under fire.
The Imperial Guard on the march.
French cavalry reserve.
Austrians engaged with the French.
Russian defense line.
French light cavalry on a flanking march.

In other news. I am almost done with my Lion proxy. Just some finishing touches to do on his base. Also I am nearly done with the II Corps. Then I can hit the rest of the II and IV Cavalry Corps plus some Guard regiments. I am also going to make the first order for miniatures that I have made in a long time. This will consist mostly of various bases that I am running out of.

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