Monday, May 27, 2013

Slogging on

It has been a while since I did a post and I apologize for that. The lack of posts has not been due to a lack of work, it is more due to a choice really. That choice being that I can either post a lot of tiny little blurbs on what I am doing or just do a single big post on all that has been happening. And with my school schedule the latter becomes easier.

Sooooo what have I been doing. Despite what the following pictures show, I have been doing a lot. I'll start with terrain. As I noted in a previous post I had decided to go back a redo a lot of the pathetic excuses that I had for terrain and so far so good. I have successfully made a lot of (still want more) wooden zig-zag fences as well as starting  to get under way with producing stone walls. I improved my hedges and even did a test tree stand which I will produce more of when I am done making fences and stone walls. I still have a way to go on getting all the fences done though as I need to spray paint all of them, but I lack the facilities to do that at my apartment sadly. So when I go home in July for a week I will be doing a lot of preparatory work to enable me to continue working on the terrain and miniatures.

A look at what I have been doing.

Next up is a 6mm Napoleonic update. I just finished three more regiments of Dragoons and used two of the regiments to finish off another French Cavalry Division. I realize now that I made one tiny little (more like really big) mistake in the way I ordered all of my 6mm Napoleonic figures. I bought a tone of French Cavalry. I mean a tone of it. I will have 43 French Cavalry regiments by the time I am done painting just what I own currently. What is even more ironic is that I have gotten really good at painting French Dragoons as they make up the majority of the French Cavalry arm( I have painted 15 regiments of the 30 I have info on). But the end is in sight.... kind of. All that is left is 1 regiment of Lancers, 2 regiments of Hussars, and 2 regiments of Chasseurs.

The French 7th Cav Division.
The 6th Dragoons.

The 16th Dragoons.

The 2nd Dragoons.
After I finish all of these French Cavalry regiments I will be onto more French Artillery and finally (almost a year after I had planned to start them) onto the Russians.

Lastly I am really excited as I get closer to finally making an order for 6mm American Civil War Miniatures. I plan on doing this some time next month and it will be a kind of kick starter on this project. I plan of focusing on the Eastern theater of the war and will be starting with armies based on the Gettysburg Order of Battle. The first major units I will be building will be the I Corps under John Reynolds and two of A.P. Hill's three divisions, plus John Buford's two Cavalry brigades that were at Gettysburg( His third one was else where). As you can see this will be a Gettysburg day one starter and from there I will develop the armies so that I can do anything before Gettysburg and after Gettysburg. With this new project there are going to be some changes from the Napoleonic 6mm project as I want to make this project distinct as there are a lot of difference between the two periods in terms of army organization. I'll talk more about that later. So stay tuned for more updates.