Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Roman Legion Dorama (Part 2)

The above photo shows what I originally wanted to cram on to the display. After a few practice layouts and some realization that I wanted to add terrain. I decided against the above mass of figures. It also would require a tone of painting.

Since I wanted to add terrain features the above is what I decided on in terms of figures. You can also see some initial test placements of trees on the display.

And now with some added terrain features. This time I used a clay putty for the hills. Next time I will use something else. The putty did the job. It was just a little annoying to work with.

Sadly I did not take any more pictures as I flocked the base as it was a boring and tedious process. It required that I move rather quickly to glue the figures down and then add flock before the glue hardened too much. Even then I had to go back several times and add more flock. Then I added some paint, static grass, bushes, and flowers. The rest is history.

Next post will have up close photos of the diorama.

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