The Polish Lancers |
The Red Lancers |
I am now currently working on the Middle Guard 1st Division. Like the Old Guard Division it will be comprised of 2 regiments of infantry.
The second thing I wanted to talk about was what my plans are. I know that they have been changing a lot as of late so I have been trying to nail down what I am doing over the next year. With the current semester nearing completion my thoughts have started turning towards what I am going to be painting during the summer. In order to firm out my painting schedule I needed to take stock of what I have finished and what I have available to paint. The results were kind of stunning.
What has been painted
I have painted a total of 28 infantry regiments, 31 cavalry regiments, and 24 guns with their accompanying crew. Not to mention 21 divisional commanders, 5 corps commanders, and 3 army commander. Plus additional skirmishers seen on several regimental bases.
What has not been painted
Unpainted I have 61 infantry regiments, 47 cavalry regiments, and 28 guns. With those numbers comes a bunch of additional command stands and skirmisher stands.
Just for fun I decided to come up with some figure totals for everything I have bought from Baccus 6mm.
Infantry Total = 4272 figures (plus a few hundred for skirmishers).
Cavalry Total = 1404 figures.
Gun Total = 52 guns and 208 crew (does not include limbers).
Commanders = may be 100 figures.
Grand Total = 5884 figures and 52 guns (does not include limbers, skirmishers, or commanders).
That is quite the haul for only having made 3 orders to Baccus 6mm. And even though I cannot recall the cost for all these figures I assure you it is not possible to get this many figures in any other scale for what I have paid so far.
The Plan
With this information in hand I think I have finally firmed out what I will attempt to do over the rest of this year.
1st) Through the rest of this semester I will finish all the prepared Imperial Guard regiments I have.
2nd) Depending on when I finish the Guard I will then proceed to begin the French II Corp and take it to completion. Finishing any Guard infantry regiments I can along the way. I hope to finish the French II Corps some time early in the Summer. This means a total of 16 infantry regiments, 4 cavalry regiments, 3 light artillery batteries, 4 division commanders, and 1 corps commander. I already have 1 heavy artillery battery, 1 horse artillery battery and 1 divisional commander finished.
3rd) After the French II Corps is done I am going to tackle and finish the French II and IV Cavalry Corps. These two corps only need 4 additional regiments each plus 2 division commander (one for each) and 1 corps commander.. While I am doing this I will also try and complete all Guard Cavalry I can.
4th) When all this is complete I plan on making a big drive into the Allied forces. Either Russians or Austrians. Not sure which. The Prussian are once again put on hold, which is not so bad because I only have a few of them.
Ultimately I hope to have 2 French Army Corps, 2 French Cavalry Corps, a sizable portion of the Imperial Guard, and possibly two Allied Corps done by the end of the year.
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