Monday, April 9, 2012

Time to play again

I have decided that if at all possible I am going to dedicate a couple of hours in the morning on Saturdays to doing something involving my 6mm Napoleonics. Recently I went ahead and bought 2 6ft x 4ft strips of green cloth($10 on sale at a local craft shop) to be used as ground cover for my terrain, instead of using the woodland camo cloth I was using.  Green is defiantly better. I have also decided to start trying out my hand at recreating historical battlefields. As a result of this attempt I have realized that I need to get more hills. I ended up using all the material I had for hills on a few small sections. I also need to figure out trees, buildings, bridges, and some form of a swap. I have just to make pond, lake, and wider river sections at this moment.

For this Saturday morning carpet day I also decided to try the addition of smoke on the battle field through the use of modified cotton balls.

A French division is having it out with an Austrian division.

I am not sure what other people think but I like the effect. The other thing I am going to start tinkering with is changes in perspective.

The idea is to use my 28mm Napoleonics to add a different view of the battle to my pictures. This is the first time I have done this and I have not seen other people do it. It is therefore going to take some practice to get it down right.

On to the main event of this post. Only a couple of regiments have been added since the last time I did this. I probably will not do it again until I get more work done on my to paint list. Also I am going to be moving sometime soon, so that is going to cause problems.

The Imperial Guard.
My Dragoon division.
Russians trying to force a river crossing.
French attempting a flanking maneuver run into an Austrian covering force.
A view down the length of the battle field.
Russian Cavalry reserve.
Cavalry engagement.
Allied extreme left.

 The Imperial Guard.  

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