Saturday, June 9, 2012

6th French Infantry Division

Life has a cray way of going from simple to complicated really quickly. I just managed to get things settled at my new place when oh by the way I got a new job. Not that I am complaining or anything it just means my free time for painting has diminished again. The up side is that I will be able to start putting money into my bank account again instead of just taking money from it. So "yay" for the job.

Now for the latest update. Since I have started playing Histwar Les Grognards I have had a few ideas on the formations my 6mm figures have on their 60mm square bases. Hopefully further playing of the game will allow me to continue to come up with newer and more inventive ways of recreating a Napoleonic battle in 6mm.

Having tried out some of these new idea on the French 6th Division here is the results. This division is comprised of the 1st and 2nd of the Line and the 1st and 2nd of the Light. They are set up to have one battalion in line in the front and a second battalion in my approximation of a column in the rear. There are no skirmishers deployed for these four regiments. I plan on having them present for the next division which I have already started work on and will be based in a similar manner..

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