Saturday, July 21, 2012

Double update

I am happy to say that I have completed another installment in the Sons of the Emperor project. I have finished my Lion proxy and it was as fun painting him as I was expecting it to be. I had never painted any Dark Angels before so I had to spend a little bit of time figuring out how to paint the armor in manner that I liked. I have to say that the result is exactly what I wanted. As for the rest of this figure, it was a blast painting him. I guess I am just a really big sucker for Templar knight style power armor. I like the way he has been sculpted and posed. He looks like a real night walked out of antiquity...... wearing one of the most advanced suits of power armor out in existence, toting a genetically enhanced body that would make anyone jealous.

For the other part of this update we head over to the 6mm realm. I have also just finished the 9th French Infantry Division. It is comprised of the 92nd, 93rd, and 100th of the Line along with the 4th of the Light. This marks the completion of the last Division in the French II Corps. All that is left is for me to finish the artillery park and I will have another completed Corps. You should see something on the completion of the II Corps soon as I am even now getting ready to base the miniatures as I already have finished painting all the guns and crews.

Last little bit of news. I have also started work on my Vulkan proxy. And I would also suggest that people go check out the new Celtic Knight that Kabuki is almost ready to release. I know what I am getting for my birthday.

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