Sunday, July 29, 2012

II Corps finished

I am happy to say that another step has been taken in the "Under 6mm Eagles" project. I just finished the last little bit of the II Corps artillery, putting the finishing touches on a Corps that I have been working on for about two months now. With this formation now complete I have not wasted to much time and launched back into finishing some more Imperial Guard Regiments before I finish off the II and IV Cavalry Corps. But as you can see my painting schedule is not as far a long as I would have hoped. But not to worry. I am doing this for the fun of it and I am in no rush to be done.

6 Batteries of Artillery.
French II Corps

A shot of the French I and II Corps

I will take some better pictures of the completed Corps at a later date.

This of course bring the totals up to 46 Infantry regiments, 44 Cavalry regiments, and 25 Artillery batteries. Making out for a total of well over 3100 6mm figures and 32 guns( remember skirmishers and commanders are not in this count). And guess what, I decided that it would be a smart idea to prepare more 6mm Napoleonics. In addition to the 9 regiments of Dragoons, 4 regiments of Cuirassiers, 2 regiments of light Cavalry( 1 Hussar and 1 Chasseur), 2 regiments of infantry, 8 guns, crews for 8 guns, and limbers for 8 guns I have left. I went ahead and have begun preparing 17 regiments of infantry, 13 regiments of Cavalry, 11 guns, crews for 11 guns, and limbers for 8 guns. All for the allied forces( I will explain the odd number of guns later). This still leaves me with quite a bit in raw 6mm figure left over but not as much as when I first started this blog.

Waiting to have flash cleaned off and be glued to craft sticks.

Good thing I bought more. Some how I think 150 is not enough.

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