Monday, June 29, 2015


Wow it has been a while. Quick life update so that you all know that I have been doing stuff and not just sitting around in a vegetative state.

Finished my senior project(in spite of the efforts of some of my teammates to the contrary), Graduated with my bachelors, applied and got into graduate school at Chico State for Computer Engineering for the Fall of 2015, moved to a new(nicer and quieter) apartment, competed in my first Ballroom Dance Competition, and a whole slew of other life events that I will leave off the blog. Those were the big points anyways.

How about what have I been doing miniature wise. Well.... I got back in to 6mm Napoleonics(no big surprise with the 200th anniversary of Waterloo and Scourge of War: Waterloo having come out). The big reason was because I decided to start re-basing all of my 6mm figures. I figured out from all the work that I have been doing on the 6mm Warhammer 40k that better bases go a long way in the miniature realm. Not doing anything terribly crazy..... yet.  I finished this crazy re-basing a few weeks ago. Hopefully I will never do that again.

God's eye view

Big things to note.

Recently ordered a bunch of stuff for my 6mm terrain. First is a battle mat of the battle of Quatra Bras from Cigar Box Battle Mats. These look really good. I plan on more in the future. I meant to get the battle of Waterloo map, but I goofed the order up.

Also I ordered a bunch of buildings from Total Battle Miniatures 100 Days 6mm line up. Basically I ordered almost everything for Lingy, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo. I left out Wavre and some of the other out lying areas as I do not need them yet. I will be back for more later. I have yet to paint the buildings for Plancenoit. These are really good buildings if anyone is looking for terrain.

Here are some more shots of the set up that I did for this photo shoot. The battle map is 4'x6', however the space that I set up for these photos is 4'x4'.

I will post more photos in another blog update later. I also have a bunch of other updates that I will start spamming the blog with soon.

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