Monday, June 29, 2015

More 6mm Napoleonics

Just to give you an idea of the number of 6mm Napoleonics I have painted here are some figures.

54 Cavalry Regiments = 972 Figures
55 Infantry Regiments = 2640 figures
40 Guns = 40 guns + 160 crew
32 Regiments with attached skirmishers = 128 figures
38 Division Commanders = 38 figures
10 Corps Commanders = 20 figures
3 Army Commanders = 9 figures

Total = 3,967 figures + 40 guns.

This is only what is painted as well. Note some of the photos are intentionally blurry.

As you can see I have started making trees. They are not too time consuming, but they can be a little messy when making them.

Biggest update in terms of completing more formations has been the fleshing out of two more divisions for the Russians. I have another Russian Division to work through as well as some Russian Guard, Artillery, and Commanders. After that I will either pump out more Russians or more Austrians.

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