Basic Game Overview
This was a test campaign so that I could experiment with the
rules that I have been writing for a campaign level games that allows for
battles to be fought using miniatures as a result of actions taken on the
campaign map. This campaign takes place in the area around Bavaria (southern
Germany or just north of the Alps). Both sides (France vs. Austria) have
roughly equal armies with each side supporting three army corps worth of troops
(See OOB section below). Units are represented on the campaign map as either
infantry divisions (solid color rectangle unit marker), cavalry divisions (50%
split white rectangle unit maker), cavalry screens (temporarily long grey rectangular
magnets), and artillery parks (the unit marks with two sets of three lines).
The maps used are the Murat maps found here. These maps use a node movement
system with links between nodes represented by roads. The distance between each
node is considered to be the distance an infantry division can march in 1 day
(or campaign turn). Cavalry divisions can march two nodes each turn. Artillery
can only move 1 node each turn, unless the artillery park is made entirely of
horse artillery at which point it can move 2 nodes. Units may force march 1
extra node each turn for a penalty to their combat effectiveness. This penalty
can be recovered by resting for 1 turn.
All markers that have a flag and Roman numeral indicate either
the Commander-in-Chief of the army (C-in-C) in the case of the numeral I, the
armies point of communication and supply with the home country in the case of
numeral II, or objectives that develop over the course of the game. These
objectives are worth victory points, and those points can be earned through
various means.