Sunday, January 9, 2022

Rear Guard at Donauworth - Part 3

 Turns 6 - 8

All across the battlefield, signs of Austrian withdrawal increases as French reinforcements continue to arrive and the assault on Donauworth intensifies.

More Austrian Battalions Disengage and Withdraw Towards the Danube River Crossing

Jellačić also begins to pull part of his cavalry and 2nd Infantry Division back across the Danube River. The very worn out #7 Chevau-léger are the first cavalry regiment to be ordered to start crossing the Danube. As the remaining squadrons make their way through streets of Donauworth, the last battalion of the 1st Brigade of the Austrian 1st Infantry Division has completed its crossing, freeing up the bridge for new units to begin exiting the battlefield.

Austrian Cavalry Moves through Donauworth

Feldmarschall-Leutnant von Treuenfels brigades are also making their way back towards Donauworth, with some of the battalions still maintaining a square formation due to the presence of French cavalry nearby. The battalions of the 1st Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division will form the rear-guard for the withdrawing grenadier battalions.

Austrian Grenadiers Step Back From the Advancing French

Noticing a chance to inflict more casualties on the withdrawing Austrian grenadiers, a battalion of the French 2nd Brigade 1st Infantry Division maneuvers to catch on of the Austrian grenadier battalions in the rear. Very quickly, the Austrian grenadiers begin taking fire from this new threat.

Caught In a Pincer, Austrian Grenadiers Fight On

Deadly Volleys from Both Sides Hit the Lone Austrian Battalion

In spite of taking fire from two directions, the lone battalion of Austrian grenadiers is finally able to disperse one of the two battalions of the French 15th Light Infantry regiment, which begin to open up a route for the grenadiers to retreat through.

Fortune is with the Austrians at this moment, as even though the French infantry attack on the withdrawing Austrian 2nd Infantry Division is increasing, General of Brigade Viallanes is forced to use this time to reform his regiments of cavalry before he can attack again. This gives the Austrians the opening they need to withdraw towards Donauworth.

French Cavalry Reforms for Their Next Charge

Fortune is fickle however, as the newly deployed French artillery makes its presence known at this very instance. While only half of the batteries are in proper position and the gun crews need to find the range, the booming volleys of artillery fire signal to the Austrians that time is running out. 

French Artillery Continues to Deploy

Austrian Infantry Takes Fire in the Flanks

The Austrians are not the only ones to start giving way under the pressure of continuous fighting, outside of Donauworth the French 1st Battalion of the 48th Line, one of the battalions attacking Donauworth, succumbs to the continuous musket fire from the Austrian garrison. The battalion breaks and flees the field causing the entire French 2nd Brigade of the 1st Infantry Division to falter in its attack. General of Brigade Locket is forced to try and get his brigade back underway as soon as possible since he knows that just milling about in front of Donauworth will lead to more casualties in his brigade.

The First French Assault is Broken

However things quickly get out of hand as the route of one battalion spreads into a general route of the entire brigade and Locket is unable to stop and rally his fleeing troops. The attack on Donauworth will have to be carried on by the fresh 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division under General of Brigade Grandeau and any support that Friant can find for the remains of his division.

The Remains of the French Left Flank

Davout, seeing that his left flank has almost collapsed in its entirety, orders General of Division Bisson (commander of the French 1st Infantry Division) to send his last available brigade to go an support Grandeau’s brigade as it attacks Donauworth. These are the last reserves that the French Marshal has available to commit to battle.

The Last French Reserves are Committed

More Austrian Battalions Make Their Way Across the Danube

Thankfully for the Austrians, the retreat of the French 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division has caused a total collapse of the attack on Donauworth. This give the Austrians precious time to conduct their withdraw while the French commanders try to organize a new assault on the town.

Von Brady Orders more Battalions to About Face and March for the River Crossing

The same cannot be said for the troops in the Austrian 2nd Infantry Division. The slow backwards withdraw towards Donauworth is accumulating casualties with each step. Each backwards step gives the French more room to deploy and allows more time for the French cavalry and artillery to get into position.

Austrian Squares Stand in the Face of Continued Artillery Fire

The French assault is not long in coming as the last guns are unlimbered and the artillery commanders start selecting their targets. Of prime target in front of the French guns are the waiting squares of Austrian infantry. Luck smiles on the Austrians again as the commander of the artillery reserve holds back his orders as he wants to make sure that all of his guns are deployed before giving the order to fire.

French Artillery Finishes Its Preparations

In spite of a lack of orders, some battery commanders still order their crews to open fire. These artillery commanders are not going to waist an opportunity to fire in to helpless infantry squares. As the first shots begin to bounce through the ranks of infantry, the Austrian commanders know that it is only a matter of time before their battalions break.

Enfilade Fire on the Austrians

Even with the increasing threat of Austrian artillery on their flanks, the stalwart soldiers of the Austrians grenadiers continue to fight their way out of encirclement. The lone grenadier battalion that was caught in cross fire of French infantry continues to hold out in the face of ever lengthening odds a battalion from the French 33rd moves to cut off their line of retreat.

The French Attempt to Close the Trap on the Lone Austrian Grenadier Battalion

The musket volley intensity never slackens as both sides unleash volley after volley into each others. Many grenadiers are cut down by fire from all sides.

Against All Odds the Austrians Still Hold Out

Mean while, General of Division Friant has been working hard to get his attack on Donauworth underway again. His 3rd Brigade under Grandeau has moved up with what little support can be offered by Heudelet’s 1st Brigade. Thankfully General of Brigade Eppler’s 3rd Brigade from the French 1st Infantry Division is not far behind. Friant believes that between these two fresh brigades they have enough troops to finally capture Donauworth.

The French Mass for a Second Attempt on the Town

The French 1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division Tries to Support the New Attack

Fresh Battalions from the French 1st Infantry Division Advance

Friant’s trouble are not over yet as the stubborn Austrian grenadiers are not going down without a fight. Even though the grenadiers are taking fire from their rear and are engaging two French battalions to their front, the grenadiers manage to charge the remaining battalion of the 15th Light regiment. 

Austrian Grenadiers Make a Desperate Charge

The exhausted French light infantry are not able to put up much of a fight and soon the battalions breaks, fleeing the field. The route of the 15th Lights causes the 33rd Line to break and retreat from the field as well, leaving only the 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division and the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Infantry divisions to maintain the French left flank. This route of the Friant’s 1st Brigade has also given the exhausted grenadiers an opening to make a break for Donauworth. Quite the turn around from nearly being surrounded moments before.

The Victorious Grenadiers March Towards Donauworth. Marshal Davout is Forced to Relocate

While Marshal Davout relocates his command staff away from the victorious Austrian Grenadiers, General of Division Bisson moves over to supervise his 1st Infantry Division more closely. Up to this point his battalions have been the only force attacking the Austrian Infantry on this side of the battle and Bisson wants to see that change. Bisson knows that there is artillery and cavalry units ready to make an all out attack on the retreating Austrians and that someone has to coordinate the attack.

For Feldmarschall-Leutnant von Treuenfels time is almost out to withdraw his division. What he had thought was an opportunity to attack the French as they deployed has quickly turned into the jaws of a pincer that his division may not survive. His remaining battalions continue to slowly make their way towards Donauworth and nothing can be done to speed things along.

The Austrian Rear-Guard Slowly Makes Its Way to Safety

The French Prepare for a Final Push on the Rear-Guard

General of Division Bisson is able to meet with General of Brigade Viallanes and the two commanders are able to coordinate a combined arms attack that will get underway soon. The only thing left to do is ensure the cooperation of the French artillery that. Soon under Bisson’s direction the artillery begins coordinated and deadly fire on the Austrian infantry squares. Soon the French 13th Light regiment joins in with volleys of musket fire, but their are still Austrian grenadiers standing in the way of their advance and the Austrian line manages to hold.

The First Shots are Fired in the Final Struggle

While Bisson’s efforts start to take effect on the French right, the French left under Friant and Davout starts its second assault on Donauworth. Leading the charge into town, General of Brigade Grandeau lone regiment of the 110th Line engages is a massive street by street melee as they engage the Austrian 2nd Battalion of the #36 Line regiment. The Austrian defenders are hard pressed by the impetuous French infantry attack.

The French Second Assault on Donauworth Commences

A Large Melee Ensues for the Northern Side of Donauworth 

The Austrian battalion starts to waver and soon orders go out from Jellačić to commit the nearby 1st Battalion of the #30 Line regiment as it awaited its turn to cross the Danube. This fresh battalion joins in the melee, but arrives to late as the 2nd Battalion of the #36 Line breaks and retreats through Donauworth. The French have entered the town and have successfully gained possession of the northern section of Donauworth.

The Austrians Send in More Troops to Try and Hold the Town

The First French Battalions are in the Town

Jellačić is forced to make his way across the Danube River by von Brady as Austrian retreat is now in danger of being cut off. The only uncommitted troops at this time are the brigade of the #5 Chevau-léger on the southern side of the town. There is little the cavalry troopers can do against infantry inside a town however.

The Austrian Cavalry Begins to Cross the River

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