Project 1 consists of a 28mm Napoleonic armies project. And when I say armies I mean armies. Sadly there are some current limiting factors like money and space to hold such a project. so for now I make due with what I have. The project in the grand scheme of things is to paint a large reserve of 28mm Napoleonic miniatures so that on the day that I achieve that status of having graduated, having a home and having the coveted "gaming room" with the accompanied "gaming table", that I would be able to play out any 28mm sized battle that I could dream of.
Brief note before I begin. Basing for the 28 Nap project. Army command is a large multi-base set up. Corp command is a large single base. Division is a square 50mm base. Brigade is a hexagonal 50mm base. Regimental command for infantry is a 40mm square base. Cavalry command is incorporated into the regiment and does not stand alone. Cav is 2 figures on a 50mm square base and varies between 16 and 12 figures. Infantry is 4 figures on a 40mm square base and is set at 24 figures on 6 bases with skirmishers individually based on 25mm squares. Artillery currently a work in progress and I am still finalizing the base size.
So where am I?
Currently I have two armies in the works and I would love to have the money to get three other armies started. The two that are under construction are a French Army and a dual British Peninsular and Waterloo campaign Army.
Current state of the French Army. (This is supposed to be a multi-roll Army capable of being deployed in any Shako period campaign)
For my purposes command deals with all Generals of Brigade level or higher. Regimental Commanders are tied to there regiments. Thus I do not consider a regiment 100% complete until all the battalions I want and the commander is painted and based.
So here is what I have; I have 1 Corp Commander(Count d'Erlon to be precise), 1 Division commander (Baron du Passage), 3 brigade commanders (Baron Bourgeois, GdB Dufour and GdB Burthe). I also have an army level command of Napoleon and his accompanied staff, however when ever I get around to it there is one more set of miniatrues to add to that grouping to finish it off. All my French commanders are from Perry Miniatures.
A note on this guy. He came from a box of Perry Plastic Dragoons. He was the odd man out of a 13 figure box and was summarily promoted to brigade command for one of my Dragoon brigades.
Next up is French Artillery and Infantry.
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