Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A mile stone passed in the Life of Under 6mm Eagles

I passed a mile stone(I would almost call it a major mile stone but in comparison to the whole project it is not so big actually) recently in the life of my 6mm Napoleonic project. I posted earlier about having completed the last two regiments of Cavalry for the French 1st Corps and I believe I mentioned something about only having to finish the division commanders. Well the Division commanders are done and the 1st Corps is now officially COMPLETED and ready for your viewing.

That is five full divisions( 1 cav, 4 inf), 6 batteries of artillery( 1 horse, 1 heavy, and 4 light) and 6 command stands(5 division and 1 corps command). Making out a total of 16 infantry regiments and 4 cavalry regiments.  I am not going to do the math on the number of figures or the time to paint them all. Suffice it to say that this is my largest complete formation for Under 6mm Eagles. It was so fun, being able to label the drawer that these guys go into.

Nothing fancy but so nice to see progress.
So what now? As I have mentioned before I am moving on and continuing with my 6mm Napoleonic project. I am already prepping another order to Baccus6mm and I am fairly certain I know what I want to buy. In terms of painting I have already begun work on the French Imperial Guard formations I have figures for. Here is a few pictures of the results so far.

That is the completed Imperial Guard, 1st Old Guard Grenadier Division (Do not ask about the name. I am doing a little creative license tinkering for any fictions stuff I desire to do in the future). It is Comprised of the 1st and 2nd Old Guard Grenadier Regiments. There may be some historical inaccuracy in the names but I have done my best to be accurate. I have been reading a lot of sources and some of them conflict a little. Suffice it to say, I have come up with what I believe to be the best solution to suit my needs.

Right now I am working on two regiments of Grenadiers a Cheval (once again don't ask. I know there was only one regiment in the Guard. To be honest blame it on Baccus6mm and their packaging. I however am not complaining). After that I plan on the 2 Chasseur infantry regiments of the Middle Guard. And then a lot more Guard cavalry, light and heavy. Beyond that I plan to begin and finish the French II Corps.

The custom OOB I wrote.
A few things I learned about painting the I Corps in 6mm. 1) I am going to be changing how a paint the French infantry uniforms. It is subtle, but I tried out the change on the Guard and I liked it. 2) Paint the commanders first. It is a small task so I might as well get it down first. 3) Break up painting infantry and cavalry. Painting a tone of one or the other can sometimes be tedious. 4) Stay on target. I think I began painting elements from 5 other corps at least (various French, Russian, and Austrian) throughout my work on the I Corps. True I did not have everything I needed when I started. But now I think I got the hang of it and I should be a little more focused.

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