Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Guard Advances

Sorry I have been gone for so long. College has me really busy and so I have not been able to finish much in the way of my miniature projects. So just to make sure everyone understands my current plans for all of these projects. Of all the projects I am working on my current focus is on Under 6mm Eagles and my Sons of the Emperor project. All the others have been put on hold because I do not have the time and energy to put into them all(or the money).

With that said onto the the actual update. I have been working on the Imperial Guard formations for the French army. After my work on some of the Guard Infantry I moved into working on the Guard Cav. Specifically I have finished "The Gods" and "The Immortals" Grenadier a Cheval cavalry regiments for the Imperial Guard Heavy Cav 1st Division. And for anyone is wondering about the second regiment "The Immortals" is totally fictitious invention of my due to the size of the cavalry packs from Baccus (ps I am not complaining). I still have to paint the two Dragoon Regiments for this division to complete it.

The Gods
The Immortals

Up next is the Polish and Red Lancer Regiments of the Guard Light Cav 1st Division. Currently, though I am finishing up another batch of French commanders for various future units that I am going to being paint soon.... I hope. Also look for an up date on Sons of the Emperors. I have managed to finish Rogal Dorn finally.

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