The Battle is Lost, Retreat towards the Danube
Turn 9
At the start of turn 9, the French morale is at 7 and the
Austrian morale is at 1. The Austrians are in desperate need of reinforcements
to boost morale and provide fresh brigades with which to fight the French.
Even with the arrival of Napoleon, the momentum of the
French army seems to fluctuate across the battlefield. This causes issues all
across the French army command, resulting in failure to launch a full scale
coordinated attack that involves both the fresh reinforcements and the troops
currently engaging the Austrians. Doing what they can, the French launch
attacks hoping to finally break the Austrian morale. The tipping point comes
when the 8th Chasseur Regiment is ordered to charge the Austrian III
Corps 3rd Infantry Division. This charge is desperately needed to
help the lone remaining brigade of the French II Corps 2nd Infantry
division. The hard charging Chasseurs slam into the already unsteady #17
Grenzer Regiment shattering the regiment and forcing them to flee from the
field handing victory to the French. This charge is not the last act in the
battle, but it is the moment from which point the Austrians began to break from
the engagement on mass as von Werneck tries to organize a withdraw of the
remaining intact brigades of his command. His troops are going to have to fight
their way out of this situation to get back across the bridges.
Figure 1
-The 8th Chasseurs Charge into the Austrian Infantry.